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Happy First Day of Summer!

Happy First Day of Summer!

Today we celebrate Sumardagurinn fyrsti (First Day of Summer). According to the old Norse calendar, there were only two seasons, Winter and Summer, hence the early celebration. 

This is a national holiday that we celebrate after a long hard winter. We celebrate brighter days ahead, more daylight, and of course, warm-ish temperatures.  

We love this day so much that in the different municipalities and towns across the country, you will find parades with a marching band and the whole nine yards. You might even see people wearing shorts. This is particularly funny because usually, the weather around this time of year is not the best. 

But hey, summer is a state of mind, right? We have summer in our hearts.

It’s a tradition in Iceland, to give children a Summer gift on this day. Please download the artwork below to color and make your own Omnom masterpiece. Share your art with us on Social media with the hashtag omnomchocolate on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. 

Gleðilegt sumar!

Omnom Artwork 1

Omnom Artwork 2

Omnom Artwork 3

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