How to get here
Omnom Chocolate Factory
Hólmaslóð 4
101 Reykjavík
You can certainly walk by foot if you are in the 101 area, but the following options are also available:
- Public Transportation: Stræto Bus (line #14, stopping at Fiskisloð or Grandi)
- Bicycle or Scooter: You can hop on a bicycle or an electric scooter using different apps and make your way to us following a bike path around the harbor.
- Taxi: hop in and tell them our address (Hólmaslóð 4)
- Teleportation: free public tours for anyone who materializes in the building.
Our factory, ice cream store and chocolate shop are located in the Grandi harbor area of downtown Reykjavík. Grandi is a revitalized maritime neighborhood with plenty to walk over and see.
For more information about Grandi businesses, check here or here.