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July is dedicated to Zac Efron

Aug 4, 2023

July is dedicated to Zac Efron

The month of July has been renamed the month Zac Efron made Omnom Chocolate a worldwide phenomenon. It's been thr...
Advent Sundays 2022

Oct 5, 2022

Advent Sundays 2022

Embrace Advent with our selection of handmade chocolate confectionery Make Advent a little more special with our luxu...
Sticky Chocolate Toffee Pudding Ice Cream

Jan 21, 2021

Sticky Chocolate Toffee Pudding Ice Cream

We embrace the rising of the winter sun with hope in our hearts for longer days to come. For this occasion, we were i...
Ísbúð Omnom

Sep 28, 2020

Ísbúð Omnom

Við létum drauminn okkar rætast og opnuðum ísbúð Omnom í rýminu fyrir framan súkkulaðigerðina okkar út á Granda.  Í í...
Gjafaleikur - sérstök foropnun á ísbúð Omnom

Sep 1, 2020

Gjafaleikur - sérstök foropnun á ísbúð Omnom

  Við ætlum að bjóða nokkrum ljónheppnum einstaklingum í foropnun Omnom ísbúðarinnar í húsakynnum okkar að Hólmaslóð...
Happy first day of summer!

Apr 23, 2020

Happy first day of summer!

You're probably thinking to yourself  “but it’s not summer yet.” Well, according to the old Norse calendar there wer...
In times like these

Mar 17, 2020

In times like these

Dear friends, In times like these, when we don’t know what will happen, chocolate is much needed. This much we know! ...
Upplifðu undraheim Omnom á Menningarnótt

Aug 19, 2019

Upplifðu undraheim Omnom á Menningarnótt

Á Menningarnótt munum við hjá Omnom súkkulaði opna dyrnar okkar upp á gátt og bjóða öllum kúltíveruðum gestum Menning...

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