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One does not simply walk into Mordor

One does not simply walk into Mordor

Our chocolates are designed and handmade here in Iceland in a facility powered by volcanic (geothermal) activity (power). True story.

Icelanders have been living on this volcanic rock in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean for roughly a thousand years. For centuries we, the locals have simply learned to coexist with the beautiful powerful natural elements that are all around us here in Iceland and even harness some of them in our favor. To make chocolates for example.

Most of you have probably by now heard of the most recent (on-going) volcanic eruption here in Iceland. Two things in particular make this eruption some what special, it´s closeness to our capital, Reykjavík (home of Omnon) and the fact that there has not been an eruption in this part of Iceland in 800 years. As of now the eruption is quite small and contained to an area that is not threatening any population or infrastructure.

Here below are a couple of links to info, pictures and videos if you want to know more about the eruption. Also some useful links to info if you are thinking about visiting Iceland or the eruption site in the near future.

-  Live webcam from the volcano in Geldingadalir.

- The Reykjavík Grapevine has been on site and reporting from the eruption.

- Beautiful drone footage from the eruption

- Awesome pictures from the eruption.

- National Geographic article about the eruption.  

- Safe Travel Iceland info if you are thinking about visiting the eruption site.

- Info from the Icelandic Met Office

- Info for tourists wishing to visit Iceland in the near future. 

- The official website of Visit Iceland

- We encourage everybody that visits the eruption site to support the Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue. Their many volunteers have been doing an awesome job keeping people safe and secure on site.

Many of our staff have also taken the opportunity and explored the area around the eruption site. We have collectively come to the conclusion that our Black N´ Burnt Barley bar is the perfect little "volcano snack" and that our  Superchocoberrybarleynibblynuttylicious bar is the perfect "hiking into Mordor snack" (much better than lembas bread) does not simply walk into Mordor (the eruption site) without the right gear, preparation, common sense and research (chocolates also help). Please stay safe and educated, even Frodo and Sam had help. 


We hope the above info helped and we look forward to seeing you here in Iceland sooner than later. 





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